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(herald load (env tsys))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
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;;; without prior written consent from Yale in each case.
;;; globaL table of loaded modules
;;; each env has a list of instantiated modules
;;;; LOAD and friends.
;;; The main confusion to surmount before understanding this code
;;; is that when you ask to load a file, there are about five
;;; different filenames potentially involved, and the trick is to
;;; keep them all straight and to check consistency at the right
;;; places.
;;; These names are:
;;; (a) The name appearing in the source file's HERALD.
;;; (b) The name by which the compiler found the source file.
;;; (c) The name of the file the compiler wrote.
;;; (d) The name by which the file was found at load time.
;;; (e) The name given in the REQUIRE form (this is obsolescent).
;;; (Also note that in cases (b), (c), and (d), there are really
;;; two file names involved, the "given name" and the "true name";
;;; but the current filename facility doesn't make that distinction
;;; yet.)
;;; Entry points for LOAD
(define-simple-switch load-noisily? boolean? t)
(define-simple-switch source-file-extension symbol? 't)
(define-simple-switch print-load-message? boolean? t)
;;; Someday make the ENV-OPTION be not optional.
(define (load spec . env-option)
(load-aux load spec env-option t (load-noisily?)))
(define (load-if-present spec . env-option)
(load-aux load-if-present spec env-option nil (load-noisily?)))
(define (load-noisily spec . env-option)
(load-aux load-noisily spec env-option t t))
(define (load-quietly spec . env-option)
(load-aux load-quietly spec env-option t nil))
(define (load-quietly-if-present spec . env-option)
(load-aux load-quietly-if-present spec env-option nil nil))
(define (load-silently spec . env-option)
(bind (((print-load-message?) nil)
((print-env-warnings?) nil))
(load-aux load-silently spec env-option t nil)))
(define (load-silently-if-present spec . env-option)
(bind (((print-load-message?) nil)
((print-env-warnings?) nil))
(load-aux load-silently-if-present spec env-option nil nil)))
;;; Deal with defaulting of second arg. T has no &optionals.
(lset +load-noisily?+ t)
(define (load-aux load spec env-option complain-if-missing? noisily?)
(bind ((+load-noisily?+ noisily?))
(let ((env (cond ((null? env-option) nil)
(cond ((not (null? (cdr env-option)))
;; There ought to be some clean way to do
;; optional arguments in t.
(error "too many arguments~% ~s"
`(,(identification load)
(car env-option)))))
(load-file spec env complain-if-missing?))))
;;; Fills in an extension if one wasn't supplied, and loads the file.
;;; If the SPEC is a string then no extension is filled in.
(define (load-file filespec env complain?)
(with-open-ports ((port (open-default-filename filespec complain?)))
(cond ((port? port)
(if (iob? port) (set (iob-id port) (port-truename port)))
(load-port port (or env (repl-env))))
(else nil))))
(lset *load-level* 0)
(define (load-port port env)
(let ((name (port-name port)))
(print-load-message name env (loaded? (port-name port) env))
(bind ((*load-level* (fx+ *load-level* 1)))
(let* ((ftype (filename-type (->filename name)))
(ftype (if (string? ftype)
(string->symbol (string-upcase ftype))
;++ this will become (read port)
(form (cond ((eq? ftype (object-file-type (local-machine)))
(let ((comex (read-comex port)))
(set (loaded-modules port) comex)
(else (read port)))))
; (check-compatibility port herald env)
(if (comex? form)
(instantiate-comex form env name)
(instantiate-source port form env))))))
;++ have the same interface eventually and LOAD-PORT will be
;++ cleaned up.
(define (instantiate-comex comex env . id)
(let* ((id (if (null? id) nil (car id)))
(h (vref (comex-objects comex) 1))
(herald (parse-herald (car h) (cdr h)))
(version (comex-module-name comex)))
(if (not (and (number? version) (= version version-number)))
(error "Obsolete object file ~s" (herald-filename herald)))
(receive (unit code) (install-comex comex env)
(set (weak-table-entry code-unit-table code) unit)
(add-to-population code-population code)
(if id (set (loaded-file env id) (AUGMENT-UNIT unit ID)))
(run-compiled-code unit env))))
(define (instantiate-source port form env)
(receive (h port)
(cond ((and (pair? form) (eq? (car form) 'herald))
(let ((h (parse-herald (cadr form) (cddr form))))
(cond ((herald-read-table h)
=> (lambda (rt)
(set (port-read-table port)
(eval rt env)))))
(return h port)))
;++(warning "file ~S has no HERALD form.~%"
;++ (port-name port))
(return (make-default-herald (port-name port))
(cons-port form port))))
(check-compatibility port h env)
(let ((unit (standard-compile-port port (get-target-syntax h env) h)))
(if (port-name port) (set (loaded-file env (port-name port)) (AUGMENT-UNIT unit (PORT-NAME PORT))))
(run-compiled-code unit env))))
;;; Random utilities for above.
;;; Given a compiled code object, return the environment into which
;;; it believes it would like to be loaded, by evaluating the ENV
;;; clause from the object's HERALD structure.
;++ Note: This is slightly changed from 2.9. The loader tries to
;++ load the code into one of ENV, TARGET-ENV, or REPL-ENV
;++ in that order.
(define (get-target-syntax herald env)
(cond ((herald-syntax-table herald)
=> (lambda (st) (eval st env)))
(env-syntax-table env))))
;;; Modules
;;; A module is an object which represents a partially evaluated
;;; expression. When a module is instantiated its free variables
;;; are bound in the environment in which the module is instantiated.
;;; A module can be instantiated in more than one environment in
;;; which case the pure part of the module is shared.
(define loaded-modules
(let ((table (make-weak-table 'loaded-module-table)))
(object (lambda (port)
(let ((entry (weak-table-entry table (port-name port))))
(return (car entry) (cdr entry))))
((setter self)
(lambda (port module)
(set (weak-table-entry table (port-name port))
(cons (file-write-date port) module)))))))
(define (loaded? name env)
(let ((id (cond ((string? name) name)
((filename? name) (filename->string name))
((port? name) (port-name name))
(error "invalid identifier for file - ~a" name)))))
(true? (loaded-file env (FILENAME->STRING (EXPAND-FILENAME (->FILENAME id)))))))
;;; Check to see if the module is loaded into the environment
;;; and if so check to see that it hasn't been modified.
(define (open-default-filename filespec complain?)
(let ((open (if complain? open maybe-open))
(fname (GET-DEFAULT-FILENAME filespec)))
(define (get-default-filename filespec)
(let* ((fname (->filename filespec))
(ftype (filename-type fname))
(src (filename-with-type fname (source-file-extension)))
(bin (filename-with-type fname (object-file-type (local-machine)))))
(cond ((or (string? filespec) (not (null? ftype)))
((file-exists? bin)
(xcase (load-out-of-date-action)
((binary) bin)
((source) src)
((newer) (if (and (file-exists? src) (file-newer? src bin))
((recompile) (if (and (file-exists? src) (file-newer? src bin))
(if (maybe-comfile src bin) bin src)
((warn) (if (and (file-exists? src) (file-newer? src bin))
(if (print-load-message?)
(let ((msg-port (standard-output)))
(comment-indent msg-port (fx* *load-level* 2))
(format msg-port "~&Warning: ~a has changed since it was last compiled~%" src)
(force-output msg-port))))
((query) (if (and (file-exists? src) (file-newer? src bin)
(yes-or-no? "~&File ~a is out of date. Recompile " src))
(if (maybe-comfile src bin) bin src)
(else src))))
(define (maybe-comfile src bin)
(cond ((maybe-open bin '(out)) ;; hack!
=> (lambda (port)
(close port)
(comfile src)
(else (if (print-load-message?)
(let ((msg-port (standard-output)))
(comment-indent msg-port (fx* *load-level* 2))
(format msg-port "~&Can't compile ~a~%" (filename->string src))
(force-output msg-port)))
(define-simple-switch load-out-of-date-action
(lambda (sym)
(case sym
((binary) t)
((source) t)
((query) t)
((recompile) t)
((WARN) T)
(else nil)))
;++ where does this belong?
(define (yes-or-no? fmt . args)
(iterate loop ()
(apply prompt (standard-output) `(,fmt " (Y/N)? ") args)
(let ((val (read (standard-input))))
(case val
((yes y) '#t)
((no n) '#f)
(format t ";** Invalid response (~a)." val)
(define (check-compatibility port herald env) (no-value))
(define (check-compatibility port herald env)
(let ((pname (->filename (port-name port)))
(hname (herald-filename herald)))
(cond ((not (filenames-compatible? pname hname))
(warning (list "(HERALD ~s ...)~%"
";**~12tdoesn't match (LOAD ~s ...)~%")
(let ((target (herald-environment herald)))
(if target
(let ((target-env (eval target env)))
(if (neq? target-env env)
(warning (list "(HERALD ... (ENV ~a) ...)~%"
";**~12tdoesn't match (LOAD ... ~a)~%")
;;; The screw case for ancient REQUIRE's is F1 = FOO and F2 =
;;; "~bar/foo.t"
(define (filenames-compatible? f1 f2)
(or (null? f1)
(null? f2)
(and (alikev? (filename-name f1) (filename-name f2))
(let ((d1 (filename-dir f1))
(d2 (filename-dir f2)))
(or (null? d1)
(null? d2)
(alikev? d1 d2))))
(and (null? (filename-dir f1))
(string? (filename-name f1)))
(and (null? (filename-dir f2))
(string? (filename-name f2)))))
(define (print-load-message name env reloading?)
(cond ((print-load-message?)
(let ((out (standard-output))) ; foo
(comment-indent out (fx* *load-level* 2))
(format out "~a ~a into ~a~%"
(if reloading? "Reloading " "Loading ")
;; Hack to make message more concise
(or (print-info env) env))
(force-output out))))
;;; Print value loaded. Called by STANDARD-COMPILE-port.
(define (load-print vals)
(cond (+load-noisily?+
(let ((out (standard-output)))
(walk (lambda (val)
(cond ((not (repl-wont-print? val))
(print (or (identification val) val) out)
(space out)))
(force-output out)))))
;++ flush REQUIRE this later.
;;; (*REQUIRE id spec env) - calls to this result from expansions
;;; of REQUIRE forms.
;;; Make this smarter some day.
;++ where is this used?
;(define *module-population* (make-population '*module-population*))
(define *base-support-env* t-implementation-env)
(define *standard-support-env* standard-env)
(define (*require id filespec env)
(let ((fname (EXPAND-FILENAME (GET-DEFAULT-FILENAME filespec))))
(cond ((AND (loaded? fname env)
(cond ((print-load-message?)
(let ((msg-port (standard-output)))
(comment-indent msg-port (fx* *load-level* 2))
(format msg-port "Already loaded ~a~%" (FILENAME->STRING fname))
(force-output msg-port))))
(undefined-value "File already loaded"))
(load-file (FILENAME->STRING fname) env t)))))
(define-operation (unit-write-date unit)
(define (augment-unit unit id)
(let ((write-date (if (null? id) 0 (file-write-date id))))
(join (object nil ((unit-write-date self) write-date))
;; This code duplicates some of LOADED?, but rather than hack LOADED? I separated this out
;; since I don't know what else depends on LOADED?.
(define (same-as-before? name env)
(let* ((fname (expand-filename
(cond ((string? name) name)
((filename? name) (filename->string name))
((port? name) (port-name name))
(error "invalid identifier for file - ~a" name))))))
(id (filename->string fname))
(unit (loaded-file env id)))
(cond ((> (file-write-date fname) (unit-write-date unit))
(cond ((print-load-message?)
(let ((msg-port (standard-output)))
(comment-indent msg-port (fx* *load-level* 2))
(format msg-port "~a has changed since it was loaded~%" id)
(force-output msg-port))))
(else '#t))))